
Thursday, October 15, 2020

Prototec Practise

 Feeling pretty proud of my time and my score! Have you ever been on this programme before? 

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

What a Busy Week!

Good Morning Readers!!! 

I have been so busy doing walks, runs, helping mum and going to visit Nan that I haven't had much time to post sorry! Hope you didn't miss me too much! 

Isn't it so great that we can now open our bubbles up on Thursday and see our friends again! I am super excited for visits with Buster & Beau, Bella, Jack and Sammy to name a few. It has also been soooo nice visiting with my Nan! Boy oh boy had I missed her pats! 

The other day I went for a walk up Rapaki. Do you know where that is? It took us a while to get to the top but once we were there I could see the water! Where is the coolest place you have been in the last 6 weeks? Maybe, it was even your tidy room? 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Helping Mum with Work

You guessed it! You suggested it! And HERE IT IS!!! 

Mum needed help teaching kids about what information is okay to share and what information gives away TOO MUCH about you... it was my job to share TOO MUCH! 
What can you see that I shouldn't of shared in this story? Click this link for the story

Maybe you could make your own one online - find out how on this Site! 

Monday, May 4, 2020

When Dogs Take Over the WORLD!

Good morning Humans and other fabulous doggos! 

I thought I would share something amazing that I saw online! Humans are now trying to go back to their jobs and work like the did before this fantastic lock down which made them stay home with us! 
This good boy Brody wanted to help his human with his work. Do you think he did a good job? What do you think would happen if your pet did this? Should I help mum by doing this too? 

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Hmm I wonder...

Hello Readers, 

Today I am feeling very curious... see?! 

Have you ever heard of a website called Wonderopolis? It is super awesome! Each day it comes up with wonderings that you can research. 

I really liked the one from yesterday "What's the most difficult instrument to play?" I was interested in this question because my Aunty plays multiple instruments for Orchestra's in Sydney. I can't play instruments, although the air drums are pretty fun! 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Alert Level Three!

Today is the first day in Alert Level 3 in New Zealand. 
That doesn't mean a whole lot more than level 4 - we can get take aways... (I am really excited about my hotdog from the fish and chip shop!) and we can make our bubble a bit bigger... my problem is that Nan lives SOOOO far away that it doesn't make sense to travel to her. 
I can not wait until the dog parks re open! These cows down the road don't wanna play with me! I am really missing seeing other doggos. 
What are you missing? Do you get to have it in Level 3? 

Added on the 30th April - Here are some photos of me enjoying my hot dog! Mmmmm it was soooo good! 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Should I Share Video...

The video is complete... I wish that it had some sound at the beginning but I think it gives the right message what do you think? 

Learning from Dayzharn and Odgey

Hey Readers, 

I don't know about you, but I am loving looking at all of the other students learning! I came across this blog post from Dayzharn on how to make a hat, his video was super helpful. I thought I would give it a go. It is very hard to fold paper without thumbs... my nose was helpful at squishing the folds once they were done though.

Can you make the hat from Dayzharn's video? 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

To Share or Not to Share?

Hello Readers, 

Today mum has been working on the Cybersmart lessons for the term. I wanted to start learning so I jumped into them straight away! You can find them here. 

First up is to teach someone else what they can share and what they shouldn't share online. I thought I would make a wee video to share with you... watch this space...  I will post it tomorrow!!! 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Hello to all my fantastic readers! 

The other day we went exploring in our neighbourhood and we found a stream with clean water in it!!! I was over the moon! I LOVE swimming!!! The feeling of the water through my fur is AMAZING! 

I made mum and dad laugh a lot because my feet could touch the bottom! They thought I looked like a meerkat! What do you think? Do you like swimming? What is something you are missing being able to do???

Friday, April 17, 2020

Level Up Challenge!

How high can you go before you run out of toilet paper? haha

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Maths with Cooper

Today I am practising my math skills with some treatos. Do I have the best mum ever or what?! 

I'm looking at facts within 10, also even sharing... although I don't have to share my treatos! Can you answer any of my questions???? 

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

First Offical School Day!

Me oh my! What a day, it is so nice to see all my friends and teachers today! I even got to watch some education TV! It's pretty super that they are putting this on for us! 
What was your favourite thing today? Did you enjoy any of the shows? 

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Spot the Difference!

Over the weekend one of my friends Sadie posted up a spot the difference. I thought it was a great fun challenge and that I should do it too! So here goes. There are two pictures and ten things to spot. Can you guess them all? Maybe you could make your own one for me to do? Post it in the comments if you do!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Move Ya Body!

It's soooooooo great that my humans take me for walks everyday now! I have also figured out that it is nicer for me if I leave some slack on the lead. Mum keeps telling me I am such a good boy! What do you think?

We have also been doing weird outside activity with strange mats and bars... have my parents completely lost it? Do I need to report them?

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Essential Services

This weekend is Easter. I am pretty excited about looking for this magical bunny everyone keeps talking about. (Will it smell like a normal bunny? Maybe sweeter?). I'm not so excited about the chocolate though... it makes me sick.
Our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, let everyone know that the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy are essential services. That's a huge relief!
She also suggested that we add to the Bear Hunt by making an Easter Egg hunt which is pretty exciting! Will you be making Easter Eggs to hide in your window? I am!

Monday, April 6, 2020

Boop the Snoot Challenge

Have you seen the snoot challenge? There are two versions of it.
One version you have to put your snoot through your owners hands like this:

The other challenge they just have to boop you on the nose like this:

Have you ever been booped before? Maybe you are the booper? It can be a fun game... as long as no one takes it too serious! What do you think?

Have fun!

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Clocks Back an Hour = SLEEP TIME

There is this crazy saying to help you remember to either turn your clocks back or forward. Have you heard of it? It relates to the different season and it helps me know what to do with the time...

"Spring forward and fall back." 

It means that if the season we are in is spring, you move the clocks forward and if it is fall you move the clocks back! If you look outside you can normally tell which season it is. In spring there are lots of baby animals and daffodil's in the garden. In fall the leaves fall off some trees and turn a nice red colour. Can you see either of these seasons happening outside?


Saturday, April 4, 2020

What's out your window???

Hey guys,

Because we are all staying safe at home things are different out our windows! I have noticed way more birds are coming onto the front lawn and the other day I even saw this....

Maybe you could post what you are seeing out your window? Any thing like what I am seeing?

- Cooper

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Cold Days are for Movies!

Have you noticed it's been getting cold when the sun isn't out? I sure have... Mum made we wear this stupid hat to keep my head warm! Do you have any tips for keeping warm?

Luckily on cold days there is a heap more time for MOVIES!!! We have Disney+ so I have been watching some great films like Lady and the Tramp and Bolt! What is your favourite Disney movie?

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April Fools!

That's right guys, today is the first day of April which means that it is April Fools day! People make pranks on each other until noon! 

This is a really funny one that tricked EVERYONE! 
I asked if people wanted me to make a Brownie... showed them the recipe box and everything... of course they said "yes"! 

But then... I gave them a picture like this one instead!

It's safe to say they were pretty bummed out... Have you every played a prank on anyone? What did you do? 

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Online Hangouts

Good morning everyone, 

I hope you are enjoying the first days of school holidays! 

This weather is... not great, my humans are only taking me for small walks. I do not understand why I can't go to the dog park, I have been a really good boy... hmmm... 

Anyway, since we have been at home (ALL of the time), we have been doing Google Hangouts with my friends... it's pretty funny! I like seeing them on the computer screen, mum even connected it to the television! 

Do you have any advice or tips for being in an online hangout? If so share them below... 

This is Cooper over and out! 

Monday, March 30, 2020

Copy, Paste and Complete!

So when my Mum was younger she said that there was a trend where people would fill out books like this for their friends.... I thought we could copy, paste and complete this on our blogs to get to know each other better! (You just need to delete my answers and write you own!)

1. Who are you named after? No one, mum and dad just liked the name Cooper
2. Favourite snack? Chimkin 
3. Do you like your handwriting? Foot writing is hard... 
4. What is your favorite roast meat?  Chimkin
5. Would you bungie jump?
I'd give it a go!
6. What is your favorite kind of cereal? Protein Oats
7. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Mum does
8. Do you think you're strong willed? Sure am! 
9. Favorite ice cream? Vanilla 
10. Rugby or soccer? Soccer 
11. Last thing you ate? Chimkin 
12. What are you listening to? David Walliams stories 
13. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Green like the grass
14. What is your favorite smell? Sandy Beach 
15. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My Nan 
16. Hair colour? Blonde 
17. Eye colour? Brown 
18. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy always! 
19. Last movie you watched? Bolt 
20. Favorite holiday? Beach Holidays 
21. Night Owl or Early Bird? Night Owl... 
22. Favorite day of the week? Any day ending in y. 
23. Favorite animal? Dogs and cats
24. Do you have a pet? Lots of toy pets 
25 - Add a question of your own.... What is your favourite toy? 

Sunday, March 29, 2020

David Walliams on Sound Cloud NO WAY!

Oh my fluffs! I am sooooo excited today. My mum found out that David Walliams is doing this amazing thing where he reads a new story daily! 
(I love listening to stories, especially before naps!) 

(You will have to hunt for ones that say read by David Walliams)

Here is a link to his website. He is posting his stories on sound cloud and promoting them on his instagram. 

Have you heard of David Walliams before? 
If so, what is your favourite book of his? 
Maybe you could write a review of one of his read alouds? Or try to make one yourself for one of your favourite books? 

Here is a picture of me listening to one of my favourite stories.... you can tell it's putting me to sleep.... zzzzzz

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Amazing Technology!

Hey Readers,

So my mum was scrolling online and found this amazing thing happening in Cyprus! (Do you know where that is? Maybe you could look it up on a map!)

There was this video of a dog being walked by the owners DRONE! (NO WAY!)
This pup was quite happy with its drone dog-walker.

It made me think about all the cool things that Drones could do! Especially now! I wonder if you could write a list as a comment or maybe even on your own blog about all the things Drones could do at this time to help people out? How many can you come up with?

Maybe, tomorrow I will be walked this way... I wonder whether I could out run a drone?!
- Cooper

Friday, March 27, 2020

Does Anyone Know Batcat's Real Identity?

Hey guys, 

I spotted this guy on our fence... I wonder if you would be able to write a story to let me know his adventures and true identity? Once you do leave me a comment and I will check out your blogs! 

Your friend Cooper. 

Thursday, March 26, 2020

A New Background for Your Device?

Today Mum taught me how to make a new background for my computer.... She reminded me to make sure I was using images that I had taken or that were free to use. Here is a slide to practise on if you'd like.
Remember that cool website unsplash? Or the Explore tool? Image result for explore tool
Those are great ways to get free pictures.

I used mostly my own pictures, got some off unsplash and got some text from Cool Text. 

Here is my one...

Maybe you could create your own one in a google drawing (Here is a template) or you could even draw it on paper and share it to your blog too? If you need help leave me a comment!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Great New Zealand Bear Hunt!

The humans in my neighbourhood are doing this really cool thing called "The Great New Zealand Bear Hunt". Have you guys heard of it?

At first I was really confused! Why is my Mum was putting my toys on the window sill and not letting me get them down!

Then we went for a walk and now I understand!!! Lots of people down our street are doing the same thing... so many soft toys! The idea is to see how many you can spot when you go for your walk?

I found 10 in my neighbourhood. Are you guys doing the same thing? Maybe you could write a post about what you saw? Or maybe you could write a letter to try and convince your neighbourhood to do the same thing?

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

I'm Back!

Hey guys!

I'm back! Wow all of your comments are amazing! I sure need to work on keeping myself smart when I am online. I will work through and change all of the suggestions you have over the next few days... but for now, I wondered if you wanted to stay in contact with me through here?

I am going to post up a writing idea each day! What do you think? Are you ready? I sure am!

Stay safe out there!